Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jeremy at Crale: His Friends, His Ambitions and His One Great Enemy

Jeremy at Crale: His Friends, His Ambitions and His One Great Enemy Review

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Jeremy at Crale: His Friends, His Ambitions and His One Great Enemy Feature

1927. Walpole wrote horror novels that tended more towards the psychological rather than supernatural, with a brooding underlying mysticism. Among his important novels is the semi autobiographical series that includes Jeremy, Jeremy and Hamlet, and this volume, Jeremy at Crale. The book begins: Young Cole, quivering with pride, surveyed the room. So, at last, was one of his deepest ambitions realized. It was not, when you looked at it, a very large room. If, as was the way with many of the other Studies, it had had a table in the middle of it, there would have been precious little space in which to move. But he and Gauntlet Ma, almost at once after their arrival last night, had come to an agreement about this. They would have their own tables in their own corners, leaving the middle of the room free-and Marlowe could lump it. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.

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